MPG predict

Omar Abdelhamid

September 10, 2018


  • We used "Car fuel consumptions and emissions 2000-2013” dataset, all data can be found here.
  • Shiny app can be found here.
  • Github repository for this app: link.
  • Initial report: link.

Dataset cleaning

fuelCons <- fuelCons %>%
  filter(combined_imperial < 100, transmission_type != "") %>%
  mutate(transmission_typeX = as.factor(ifelse(transmission_type == 'Manual',
                                               'Manual', 'Automatic'))) %>%
  mutate(particulates_emissions = as.numeric(as.character(particulates_emissions)))

Histogram of overall MPG for all vecicles

histMPG <- qplot(combined_imperial,
                 data = fuelCons,
                 binwidth = 3,
                 xlab = "Average MPG of urban and extra urban tests",
                 ylab = "Count of cars")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Relations between engine capacity, MPG and other characteristics

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6